Saturday, December 6, 2014

Marriage Preparation

I titled my post this week "Marriage Preparation" because a lot of people these days are not truly planning for marriage and they just jump in, not really knowing what kind of commitment it is. Marriage preparation starts all the way back in the dating phase. People usually move from dating to proposal to marriage. The way it should go is this: dating, courtship, engagement, and then marriage. Too often we see that men are not courting women anymore. They assume that because you are boyfriend and girlfriend that they don't need to ask to court you, but when they do ask it shows a lot of respect for the girl and also for her family. When it comes to proposals guys think they have to go all out, which is kind of true, but not in the general sense. A proposal should be intimate, something you two share together, and it should be done in a way that is meaningful to you both. Engagements are the perfect time for couples to really start planning for marriage and making decisions together. Make sure you talk about important and hard things with your fiancee because that is how you'll know if you guys can work together as a team. Marriage becomes much easier when you can count on your spouse and make the right decisions together.

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